Forward. Faster. Further.
Successfully Navigate Today’s Drug Development Landscape
Today’s world of drug development is constantly changing. Patients are more engaged and more empowered. There’s an explosion of new data sources, and real-world evidence is driving the future like never before.
In this shifting landscape, there are more stakeholders and tougher regulatory requirements with increased market pressures and rising costs. You need a way to break through the chaos to get clarity so patients can get what they need.
— HEOR Leader, Top
20 Biopharmaceutical Co.
The Path Forward Begins Here
Take on Early, Late-Stage, and Post-Launch with Unmatched Speed and Efficiency
Our goal is to drive health forward with the strongest and most impactful evidence and insights. We understand your research needs and define a strategy to move you from questions to solutions to actionable insights. Solutions that don’t just improve patient access and inform decision-making, but change lives.
Download our brochure and take a deeper look at the numerous ways Evidera can put your product on the path to success.
time to market

Maximize Your Investment by Accelerating Your Product Forward, Faster
Pharmaceutical studies need to move fast. But moving efficiently is equally as critical. We take a holistic approach to understanding your research needs so we can identify the right design to optimize your study.
Here’s how we help you go faster:
- Fueled by rich patient insights and our bespoke virtual study design solutions, we put the patient at the center of the studies. Accelerating recruitment. Reducing patient burden. And keeping timelines moving swiftly.
- We provide traditional and alternative solutions to meet your needs — solutions designed to increase efficiency, reduce product development time, and enable quicker patient access.
- From global data sources to innovative data collection strategies, we have solutions that expand the possibilities of real-world evidence and data analytics to drive study efficiency.
Ready To Move Your
Product Forward?
from evidence to insights

Drive Better Decision Making
with Actionable Insights
How can you differentiate your product and satisfy the requirements of multiple stakeholders? Our multidisciplinary team of experts works closely with you to go beyond data to insights, bringing together the right pieces of evidence across the diverse health spectrum — the kind of evidence that satisfies regulators, payers, and health technology assessment (HTA) agencies, and resonates with providers and patients.
Here’s how we can help move you forward:
- We develop and operationalize evidence plans that are tailored to your organization’s size and goals resulting in a value story with real impact.
- We overcome product use obstacles by utilizing innovative offerings like implementation science to optimize uptake and develop compelling strategies that demonstrate the true value of your product.
- We don’t just collect and curate data. We analyze. We interpret. We consult. We then give you multiple perspectives to better inform discussions on value.
Ready To Move Your
Product Forward?
data boundaries

Data Solutions to Take Your
Product Beyond Expectations
Need global access to regulatory-grade, specialized data sources? Or maybe you need advanced analytics, data science application, and bold strategies for real-world data? We have the innovation and data mining capabilities to harness the power of real-world data and generate evidence and insights that inform better business decisions and improve patients’ lives.
Here’s how we take data further:
- Our proprietary data sources in both oncology and COVID-19 offer the real-time, real-world data you need to make critical product decisions.
- We are masters of innovative solutions. With experience in a variety of diverse data sources across more than 20 countries and expertise in designing and executing customized database studies, we fill gaps in data — giving it purpose.
- Our team of over 200 peri- and post-approval safety specialists understands the safety and risk challenges across the globe. We create evidence generation strategies that maximize your product’s benefit-risk profile while meeting regulatory expectations.
Ready To Move Your
Product Forward?
lives through research

Transforming Patients’
Research Experience
Together with you, we are driven to improve the lives of people around the globe. Our team of experts works closely with you to create bespoke solutions, including digital and virtual options, that reduce the burden for both patients and sites.
How we keep patients at the center of all that we do:
- Our services ensure patient experiences are integrated into decisions across the product life cycle. Our goal is to create a truly patient-centered drug development strategy.
- We leverage the patient journey from unmet needs to the impact of a disease, to help you truly understand your treatment’s value from the patients’ perspective.
- Our virtual/decentralized studies integrate patient outcomes and preferences while enabling easier participation and collection of rich, real-world data.
Ready To Move Your
Product Forward?